
Taylor Momsen is so hardcore, shes probably dating Jack Osbourne

45369, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Thursday September 23 2010. Taylor Momsen at Macy's Herald Square for the launch of the Material Girl clothing line in New York. Taylor Momsen is the face of the Material Girl collection, a collaboration between Madonna and daughter, Lourdes. Photograph: Darla Khazei, Photograph: Darla Khazei,

Our patron saint here at Celebitchy just might be our beloved Raccoon McPantless. Taylor Momsen brings the laughs and the tragedy and the incessant angst in ways no other celebrity does. And she’s only 17 years old! It’s just going to get better and better with this one, I predict. Anyway, Star Magazine had an interesting little blurb about Taylor and who she might be seeing…Jack Osbourne, former reality star. Is Jack HARDCORE enough for our beloved Raccoon? Not by a long shot!

Taylor Momsen, 17, clicked in a big way with Jack Osbourne, 24, during the NYC-based starlet’s August visit to LA with her band, The Pretty Reckless, an insider tells Star.

“They hung out in low-key places and found they had a lot in common. Now he’s even thinking of trying life in Manhattan to get to know her better.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

One thing I’ll hesitantly give Raccoon credit for is that although she signals “Jailbait” with her every clothing choice and interview, she’s really not out there trying to f-ck every sugar daddy that will make her a star. Yes, her vibrator is her BFF, but Taylor seems to signal that she’s more focused on work than play. So if this story about Raccoon and Jack is true, it sounds kind of fine. They might even be cute together. Jack might even be a good influence on her.

44418, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday September 3 2010. A hairy Jack Osbourne makes his way to Colony nightclub in West Hollywood. Photograph: Greg Tidwell,

'Gossip Girl' Taylor Momsen helps launch British designer John Galliano's new eau de toilette 'Parlez-moi d'Amour' at restaurant Laperouse in Paris, France on September 13, 2010. Momsen is the face of Galliano's perfumes. Photo by Frederic Nebinger/ABACAPRESS.COM Photo via Newscom

42639, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Thursday July 15 2010. Jack Osbourne arrives at Voyeur wearing a humorous Mel Gibson T Shirt. Mel Gibson is reportedly attending a court hearing over the custody of his baby with Oksana Grigorieva just days after alleged recordings of Mr Gibson apparently threatening Oksana Grigorieva were posted on a US website. Photograph: Hellmuth Dominguez, *FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE E-TABLET/IPAD & MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES**

Sept. 22, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - TAYLOR MOMSEN arriving at the ''Material Girl'' Fashion Line Launch at Macy's Herald Square in New York City on 09-22-2010. 2010..K65973HMc. © Red Carpet Pictures


Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-06-03