
How to get the rarest wands from Mr. Olivander in Hogwarts Legacy

Wands are one of the most important aspects of Hogwarts Legacy, being the weapon and tool of choice for all wizardkind (except Squibs, as they possess no magical abilities). They serve as a means to control magic and discipline a spellcaster, as wandless magic is volatile and nearly impossible to pull off. Each wand is unique, both in terms of properties as well as its relationship with its owner.

The following section dives into the answers required to get the rarest wands on the website, which can be used within the game if players link their Wizarding World account to their Hogwarts Legacy (WB) account.

Hogwarts Legacy: Steps to acquire the rarest wands in the Wizarding World community

There are two ways in which players can acquire a wand in Hogwarts Legacy. If they've linked their Harry Potter Fan Club account to their WB Games account, players will be able to import the wand they received on the Pottermore website after they've completed the quiz. If they haven't done anything of that sort, will be presented with a random set of wands which they can customize later on.

Each wand in the Hogwarts Legacy's wizarding world comprises two primary components: a wood type and a core. Using these components, anyone making a wand can use multiple combinations to build an ideal specimen.

Three wands are made up of super rare combinations within the Pottermore or Wizarding World communities, and all of them have their wood type as poplar. According to the Wizarding World website, poplar is one of the most reliable types of wood a wandmaker can use. Described as being consistent, strong, and having uniform power, poplar wands are most effective when their owner has a "clear moral vision" and integrity.

However, each combination has a different core, as it is widely known that renowned wandmaker Garrick Ollivander uses only three types of cores: Phoenix feather, Dragon heartstring, and Unicorn hair.

1) Phoenix and poplar

A Phoenix and poplar wand combination (Image via

Answers in order of questions:

  • Any of the three
  • Other
  • Any of the two
  • Intelligence
  • Right towards the castle
  • Darkness/Small spaces
  • Glittering jewel/bound scroll/golden key

Phoenix feather is the rarest core type known to wandlore. Wands made with this core are known to be perfect in any situation, as they possess the "greatest range of magic."

However, one of the most intriguing aspects of a phoenix feather wand is that it can take the initiative independently. In the rarest of situations, this can lead to it acting of its own accord.

A great example of this happening is in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where Harry's wand senses the presence of Lord Voldemort and interprets him as both a mortal enemy and a brother due to the unique connection between the two.

In this scenario, Lord Voldemort is described as using Lucius Malfoy's elm and dragon heartstring wand because two phoenix core wands cannot kill their respective users.

However, this quality of the wand can also make it immensely tricky to obtain in the first place, as they're known to be quite picky and specific when choosing a witch or wizard as their bearer.

2) Dragon and poplar

A Dragon and poplar wand combination (Image via

Answers in order of questions:

  • Any of the three
  • Other
  • Any of the two
  • Intelligence
  • Right towards the castle
  • Fire/Darkness/Heights
  • Silver dagger/Black glove

Speaking of Lucius Malfoy's wand, Dragon Heartstring is another core type rare within the Wizarding World community and may be tricky to obtain in Hogwarts Legacy. Wands crafted using this core are described as immensely powerful and capable of some unique spells in wizardkind. Their bond with their owner is said to be of great power.

However, they're also the easiest to bend to the wizard's will if used for the Dark Arts. This fact is quite interesting, as Dark Wizards have been confirmed to be a part of Hogwarts Legacy, making it a possibility that players might not have to wait a long time to face or maybe even use this wand.

3) Unicorn and poplar

A Unicorn and poplar wand combination (Image via

Answers in order of questions:

  • Any of the three
  • Other
  • Any of the two
  • Intelligence
  • Right towards the castle
  • Fire/Isolation/Heights
  • Bound scroll/golden key

While not the most powerful, Unicorn hair is a core that is said to make wands that have the most consistency when producing magic. However, Mr. Ollivander's notes also describe these wands as having "fluctuations and blockages." While this may be annoying for many players if implemented into Hogwarts Legacy, they should also note that these wands are the hardest to bend towards the Dark Arts.

A great example is the wizards who've used these wands in the Harry Potter books and movies: Ron Weasley, Cedric Diggory, and Neville Longbottom. All three characters are some of the most faithful people the wizarding world has witnessed, and it comes as no surprise wands made from Unicorn hair are the most faithful of all wands.

While Elder is technically the rarest form of wood in the wizarding world and wandlore, many wandmakers avoid it due to a superstition that says "wand of elder, never prosper," fearing that it will damage their sales.

In terms of wood and core combinations, Poplar was found to be a rarer occurrence for the community on the Wizarding World website than Elder. Therefore, the aforementioned wand combinations are excellent choices for anyone heading into Hogwarts Legacy with a pre-existing Wizarding World or Pottermore account.

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Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-06-02