
How to find the Basilica De La Virgen crate in Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 players have run into a crate located at Basilica De La Virgen that has proven to be a difficult grab. The crate located in the El Este region is easily visible, but reaching the loot is more complicated than it looks.

Basilica De La Virgen's crate is certainly confusing at first glance, because there is seemingly no way up to the objective. If players start from the building or on the ground, there are no stairs to make their way up to the crate. That means they will need to use unconventional methods for the crate at Basilica De La Virgen.

The Basilica De La Virgen crate in Far Cry 6 has to be reached from the air

The Basilica De La Virgen itself is hard to miss in Far Cry 6. Players will find the building located on the east side of Sierra Perdida near some wide-open farmlands.

As soon as players arrive and look at the front of the Basilica De La Virgen, they'll want to bring their attention to the top-left of the building. There are two symmetrical towers, one on either side. If players are facing the building, the tower on the left side of it is where the crate is located. However, players will quickly learn that the top of the tower can't be reached from the ground.

Instead, players will need to make use of the air in Far Cry 6, so they'll have to start somewhere away from the Basilica De La Virgen in order to glide over to the crates. There are two methods for using the air to land easily, but either way, players will want to make their way to the Guerilla camp called Hideout Filin.

How to reach Basilica De La Virgen's crate from the air in Far Cry 6

When players unlock the Hideout Filin Guerilla location in Far Cry 6, they can use the area to reach the Basilica De La Virgen from the air. The most obvious way is to grab a buzzer from the area and fly directly over the crate. From there, players can simply jump out of the buzzer and glide to the loot.

Another method is to have an upgrade that allows for airdrops from fast travel locations. With that unlocked, the glide will take a bit longer, but players can simply drop from the sky and land over the crate that they need at the Basilica De La Virgen.

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Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-06-03